
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


8月2日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.25)、
「インフラ投資 世界争奪」に関する記事を取り上げました。


nuts and bolts  基本、土台、要点
power plant   発電所
sewage  下水
emerging nations   新興国
lay foundations  基盤を築く、土台を整える
burden on the environment   環境への負荷
fierce   熾烈な、激しい
in better shape   よりよい状態で
hand over   譲り渡す、引き渡す
steel mill   製鉄所
term    任期
wrap up    終わる
colossal   巨大な、けた外れの
to the tune of~   ~という高額での、大枚~も
real/ reais(2以上)     (ブラジルの通貨単位)レアル
bring down obstacles    障害を低くする、障害を下げる
bid 入札
consortium    合弁企業、共同事業体
surpass    超越する、~を上回る
headquarters   本部、本社
call for cooperation   協力を求める、呼び掛ける
alternative energy  代替エネルギー
juicy   うまみのある、利益の多い、もうかる
contend with~   ~と戦う
clinch an order   商談をまとめる、受注にこぎつける
nuclear power plant 原子力発電所
prevail   勝利する
low bid price  低い入札価格
undercut  ~よりも安く売る

■ nuts and bolts   基本、土台、要点
■ show interest    興味を示す

―― ビジネスメール ――
(1)Jeffrey Johnsonさんが Robert Mulliganさんに宛てたメール

From: Jeffrey Johnson <[email protected]>
Subject: Your proposal
To: Robert Mulligan <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Mulligan:

It was nice to meet and have lunch with you the other day. My only regret
was not ordering the "Sirloin Steak Lunch", as you did. Am sure
it was better than the vegetable & noodle salad that I had. (ha)

In any case, I just wanted you to know that I have mentioned your proposal
to our CEO, Mr. Clark, and that he has shown interest, as have others. In fact, Mr. Clark would like to invite you to his favorite steak restaurant this Friday evening so that you, he and I might discuss the "nuts and bolts" of your idea in more detail. If you are free then, please let me know and I'll send you more information.

Until then, if there were anything at all you'd like to ask or discuss, please don't hesitate to call or email me at this address.


Jeffrey Johnson
XYZ Company


From: Randy Mulligan <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Your proposal
To: Jeffrey Johnson <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Johnson:

Thank you for your email. And please thank Mr. Clark for the kind invitation to his favorite steak restaurant. I would love to join you there this Friday evening but most unfortunately, I will be unable to for the following reasons:

1) I am a vegetarian,

2) I am not Robert Mulligan. My name is Randy Mulligan. I do not know the other Mr. Mulligan but I have guessed that his email address is similar to mine. Perhaps you made a slight mistake when you typed his address in above?

Thanks anyway, though, & have a good time this Friday.


Randy Mulligan

PS: I wouldn't have chosen the "Sirloin Steak Lunch", and I love vegetable & noodle salad!


From: Jeffrey Johnson <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Re: Your proposal
To: Randy Mulligan <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. Randy Mulligan:

I am very sorry for the mix-up, and will make sure to delete your personal information from our files after sending you this email! I hope you'll accept my apologies.


Jeffrey Johnson
XYZ Company


◎おまけ◎ ―― 使えるメール表現 ――


If there were anything at all you'd like to ask or discuss, please don't hesitate to call or email me at this address.


Thank you for your email.

Perhaps you made a slight mistake when you typed his address in above?

6日放送スタジオ収録後の談笑中をパシャリ! お疲れさまでした。

