
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


3月29日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.13)、


matchmaker 結婚の仲人、結婚情報サービス業者
take the initiative 率先してやる、自ら乗り出す
single people 独身者
falling birthrate  出生率の低下
change the policy  方針・政策を転換する
certification system  認証制度
subsidies  助成金、補助金
all eyes are on~  ~に注目が集まる
tie the knot  結婚する
co-founder  共同設立者
referral  紹介、推薦
abolish   廃止する
in phases 段階的に、徐々に
shift emphasis to~ ~へと重点を移す
draw up business standards 業界規範を策定する
newcomer 新規参入者
financial health 経営の健全性、財政上の健全
foster  育てる、育成する
main pillar 主な柱、目玉となるもの
at a steep discount かなりの割引で、大幅な値引きで
compatibility  相性、適合性
slash (大幅に)削減する、切り下げる
on the first occasion  初回で
shoulder 肩代わりする、引き受ける
~and up ~以上
give it a try  試しにやってみる
with government backing   政府の後押しで、政府の後ろ盾を得て
public relations   広報(活動)、宣伝
spouse  配偶者
have a limited effect  効果が限定的である
total fertility rate 合計特殊出生率
on average 平均で
unconventional  慣習に囚われない、斬新な
curb the decline  減少に歯止めをかける
Associate Professor   准教授
women’s advancement in society  女性の社会進出
living costs 生活費


■ take the initiative  率先してやる、自発的に先手を打つ
■ all eyes are on ~  すべての目は~に注がれている、~に注目が集まる
■ team up with ~  ~と協力する、~と共同作業をする
■ shift (one's) focus from A to B  (人の)注目をAからBに移す
■ shoulder the cost(s) 費用を負担する、費用を肩代わりする 
■ give ~ a try ~をやってみる

―― 会話 ――
Jeff: (reading paper) Mr. Clark. Have you read the latest on Horde Motors?

Mr. Clark: You mean on their teaming up with Lemon Computers?

Jeff: Yes. As you know, all eyes have been on them with rumors about what they're going to do. So finally, some details.

Mr. Clark: Go on.

Jeff: It says here that thanks to Lemon's cutting edge computer technology, Horde will be shifting its focus from partially computerized to fully computerized automobiles. According to Horde's CEO, "We've decided to take the initiative to produce driverless cars".

Mr. Clark: "Driverless cars?!" Are they mad?

Jeff: Not sure, but he says that "consumers will be hooked once they give the new cars a try. People will be able to type in their destination, then sit back & enjoy the ride."

Mr. Clark: I see. And then Horde Motors will be able to "sit back
& enjoy" shouldering all the legal costs when things go wrong, won't they?



