
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


THE NIKKEI WEEKLY (July 29 / p.27)
Abenomics champion Hamada gives good, but mixed, scores to arrows
振れ幅大きな「日本株のヒヤリ」 浜田参与の警鐘


champion      立役者
hang over    漂う、覆う
cabinet adviser    内閣官房参与
emeritus professor    名誉教授
economic revitalization   経済再生
grade   ~を格付けする、~を採点する
three arrows   三本の矢 ※金融政策、財政政策、成長戦略
comprise    ~から成る、形作る
tremor   揺れ、震え、不安感
stock market   株式市場
a conscious nod   意識的に関連づけること、意図的に使うこと
Bank of Japan   日本銀行、日銀
monetary easing   金融緩和
fiscal spending      財政支出、歳出
floating exchange-rate regime     変動相場制
growth strategy     成長戦略
to the extent that...     ~という限り、~という程度まで
lift expectations   期待を押し上げる
call for...      ~を提唱する、~を求める
inflation target     インフレ目標
consumption tax rate   消費税率
weigh on...        ~の重荷になる、圧迫する、苦しめる
fiscal conditions   財政状況、財政事情
take ... into account    ~を考慮する
corporate tax    法人税
underpin    下支えする、強化する
tense moment   緊張の瞬間
wobble    動揺
plunge    急落する
market turbulence   市場の混乱、市場の乱高下
stock price    株価
real economic index   実体経済の指標
upward trend    上昇傾向
overseas hedge fund   海外ヘッジファンド
on a massive scale    大々的に、大規模に
institutional investor    機関投資家
market plunge   市場の暴落、全面安
stay on the sidelines   傍観する
be left high and dry   座礁する、見捨てられる、(困った状態で)取り残される
the General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money  
John Maynard Keynes   ジョン・メイナード・ケインズ
lure more investors   より多くの投資家を引き寄せる


■・a nod     うなずき
  ・ (give ... ) a nod   承認する、選ぶ

President Obama has finally given the nod to rumours that he would appoint Ms. Kennedy as the new ambassador to Japan.

■  to the extent that ...  ~という程度まで

I'd be glad to help you with your computer problem to the extent that I am able.  In other words, I may not be able to fix the problem completely, but I'll try.

■  stick to ...  ~に固執する、貫く、あくまでも守る

The hardest part about any new exercise routine is not establishing the routine but rather sticking to it.  Many give up not long after they have started.

■  weigh on ...   圧迫する、重荷となる

Gary, who is very unhappy with his current employer, is thinking about switching companies.  Since such a move may be a big mistake, the decision is weighing heavily on his mind.

Stricter criteria and increased penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol have weighed on nightclubs and bars that are far from train stations.

■  leave ... high and dry   

When the tide had gone out, the small boat was left high and dry on the beach and couldn't move until the next tide came in.

The increase in interest rates left many heavily indebted companies high and dry. It is hoped that the planned lowering of interest rates in the future will float some of their boats.

If you feel you've been left high and dry on the beach of an English Ocean, then please listen to our program every week. We'll help you float your boat!


