
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


2月18日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.28)
Japan Business Seminar


go through    経験する、取り組む、終える
groan  うなる、ぶうぶういう
How can you stand it?  どうしてそれに耐えられるのか? どうして我慢できるの?
superior  上司
subordinate  部下
requester  依頼人、要求者
doer  行為者、実行者、働く人
receive a briefing   説明を受ける
assignment   (与えられた)任務、持ち場
take the ball and run with it  (任務等を)引き継いで主導権を発揮する
completion  完成、終了
check in  確かめる、確認のために連絡する
midway   途中で
new employee training   新人研修
touch base   連絡を取る
vague   漠然とした、あいまいな
bounce off    (反応を見るために)人にぶつけてみる、投げて反応をみる
take ... as a given    ~を当たり前だと思う、~を当然のこととする
erroneously assume that...    ~だと間違って決めてかかる
fail to recognize    気づかない、認識できない
excruciating     ひどく不快な、耐え難い
from the American perspective    アメリカ人の目から見ると
demeaning criticism      屈辱的な批判
torture     拷問
take time to...     ~するのに時間をかける
pick on...   いじめる、あら探しをする


hard to swallow    受け入れがたい、信じがたい
Mr. Williams, your decision to step down as CEO is a bit hard for the rest of us to swallow. I don't think we'll be able to find anyone who can replace you.

back and forth (形: back-and-forth)    やりとり、議論の応酬
I watched the ping pong match closely, but the back and forth of the ball made me feel dizzy.

Our meetings often include long, back-and-forth discussions with little to no sense of conclusion.

take the ball and run with it 

Stan, you have a great business idea, and I have all the right connections. If you'll allow me to take the ball and run with it, I think we could be starting something really big.

touch base    連絡を取る
Sorry, I can't call you after lunch as I have meetings all afternoon. So
if you don't mind, let's touch base at some point this evening.

input   意見
I know many of you have ideas about how our joint venture with Company A should work. And so, at next week's meeting, you'll have the chance to offer your input.

bounce (something) off (of) (someone)    (アイディアなどを)ぶつけてみる、反応を探るために投げてみる
I have some suggestions as to where to hold our next party. If you were free for coffee tomorrow morning, I'd like to bounce them off (of) you to see what you think.

take ... as a given ( = take ... for granted)    ~を当然のことと思う、~をわかりきっていることと思う
When you signed up for our expedition to climb Mt. Everest, I simply took it as a given that you had previous experience and had no idea that it would be your first time to climb a mountain!

micro-management (micromanagement)    微細管理手法、細かいことにこだわるやり方
Mr. Smith's employees have become weary of his constant micro-management. They wish that he would leave all the minute details of each person's job to the person in question and instead focus on the result of his/her

