
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


1月28日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』一面トップ記事を取り上げます。
日本経済新聞 編集委員 滝田洋一さんの解説です。

price target   物価目標、インフレ目標
skepticism    懐疑的な見方、疑念
ally    連携する、提携する
in pursuit of ...    ~を追って、~を求めて
uncharted territory   未知の領域
groundbreaking    画期的な、草分け的な
joint statement   共同声明
flagging    弱まっている、衰えている
have misgivings    不安を感じる、懸念する
muscle    力ずくでする、強引に進める
... aside    ~は別として、~はさておき
a long shot    大きな賭け、大胆な試み
profit taking   利食い、利益を確定すること
open-ended    無期限の、期限を定めない
leeway    余地、自由裁量、ゆとり
asset purchase    資産購入、資産の買い入れ
the BOJ’s policy board meeting    日銀の金融政策決定会合
in the sense that...  ~という点で、~という意味で
monetary policy    金融政策
keep tabs    注意して確かめる、監視する
the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy   経済財政諮問会議
interim assessment    中間評価
Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices    経済・物価の展望レポート
consumer price index    消費者物価指数(CPI)
nowhere near ほど遠い
stick to ...   ~にこだわる、固執する
reserved approach    慎重なアプローチ、及び腰
price stability goal    物価安定のめど
make a commitment    確約する、約束する
bow to ...   ~に従う、~を尊重する
out of reach    手の届かないところに、力の及ばない
erode trust    信用を落とす、信用を失墜させる


the hard part    難しいところ、つらいところ 
According to (the) founder and C.E.O. of Company A, Jack Harrison, the hardest part in starting his company was finding a staff of talented and highly motivated people who truly shared his vision.

punch   パンチ、効きめ、迫力
Mary uses very spicy peppers in her curries as she likes Indian food with
some punch to it.

a tall order  無理な話、無理難題
Before the bill had passed, Obama's Affordable Care Act, also known as
"Obamacare", was considered a tall order to enact in that it would raise taxes on high-income earners by 0.9%.

set the stage for ...  ~のお膳立てをする、~の準備をする
The advent of personal computers and the appearance of the Internet in the latter part of the 20th century set the stage for our current era, commonly called the Information Age.

keep tabs (on ... )   ~を監視する、~から目を離さない
As there was not enough evidence to convict him, Suspect A was released from police custody last week. The police are, however, keeping close tabs on his actions and whereabouts at all times.



