
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

pull off   やってのける、成し遂げる
return to power    政権への復帰、政権への返り咲き
come up with    提案する、考え出す
warily     慎重に、注意深く
key to …   ~へのカギ
mimic    まねる
groundbreaking     パイオニア的な、草分けの
staunchly anticommunist     揺るぎない反共主義の、ごりごりの反共主義の
stop … from …     ~が~をするのを妨げる、~が~するのをとめる
olive branch   和解の申し出
adversary    敵対国、敵
China, a protégé-turned-rival on the Soviet border    ソ連と国境を接しソ連の弟分格になったが今ではライバルとなった中国
pile on the pressure and squeeze concessions from the Kremlin   クレムリンに圧力をかけ重ねて譲歩を引き出す
bona fides as a hawk    タカ派としての真価
diplomatic opening    外交の突破口
hard-line diplomatic policy    強硬な外交政策
in a pragmatic manner    現実的な手法で、実利的なやり方で
underscore his matter-of-fact approach   彼の(冷静な)事務的なアプローチを強める
lay aside campaign pledges   選挙公約はさておく
“Takeshima Day”   「竹島の日」
Dokdo   独島
shelve     棚上げにする、先送りにする
Diaoyou Islands    釣魚島
special envoy    特使
mend fences  関係を修復する、関係を改善する
unfold thusly このように展開する
shore up  立て直す、強化する
Park Geun-hye   朴槿恵(パク・クンヘ)
leverage   何かを利用した力、効力、影響力
détente    緊張緩和
gambit    先手、糸口
whether he has what it takes to deliver a Nixonesque diplomatic breakthrough ニクソン流の外交策を上手く果たすのに必要な条件を彼が備えているかどうか
have at one's disposal     ~が好きなように使える
lay the groundwork    道をつける、下地を作る
Zhou Enlai    周恩来
be mired in    泥沼にはまる
hegemon    覇権国
play at    ~をやろうとする、~を半分まねる
hegemony 覇権
argue for …    ~の理を示す、~の証拠となる
perseverance    忍耐(力)


pull off ...   ~を得る、勝つ、うまくやりとげる
When you said you were going to beat the reigning chess champion three times in a row, I didn't think you'd actually pull it off, but you did! Well done!
あなたが現チェスのチャンピオンに三連勝するつもりだといったときには、実際にやりとげるとは思いませんでしたが、やりとげました! みごとです!

An attempt to pull off the greatest bank robbery in U.S. history failed when the would-be getaway car ran out of gas.

come up with ...  ~を提案する、考え出す
Mr. Suzuki has been asked to come up with two new ideas for an ad campaign for Product A, and then present them at next week's meeting.

not stop (one) from doing ...   (人が)~するのを止めない
Welcome to this explanatory meeting. I will try to cover everything and finish by 3:00, but don't let that stop you from speaking out and asking questions if there were anything you didn't understand.

handle matters    諸問題を処理する、諸問題を扱う
Virtually every business owner asks him/herself the important question,
"Whom can I trust to handle matters when I am sick or away?"

shelve plans to do ...    ~する計画を棚上げする
Though Retailer A shelved plans to open new branches last year, they are now putting them on the front burner for detailed discussion, thanks to recently increased sales.

have what it takes    それが必要とするものを持ている
In order to be a commercial airline pilot, you need to have perfect eyesight, pass rigorous tests, and have the ability to remain calm and think clearly in dire situations. Do you have what it takes (to be a pilot)?


