
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


11月5日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(p.27)
「世界で競うには英語力  頭脳の価値、評価正当に」
Blue LED inventor: reward researchers



blue light-emitting diodes   青色発光ダイオード(LED)
global standard  世界標準(世界の標準語)
set various rules and standards  様々なルールや規格を定める
turn out its own talented students   自国の優秀な学生を輩出する
standards of scholarship   学問の水準
language barrier   言葉の壁
content of their programs   教育カリキュラムの中身、教育課程の内容
aware of such criticism  そのような批判を意識して(に気付いて)
English proficiency   英語の堪能度、英語の上達度
make ... of ...   (~を)~と判断する、(~を)~だと思う
be nowhere near enough  全く不十分である
practical    実践的、実用的
the way Japanese companies hire and train their employees
complete doctorate courses    博士号課程を修了する
scores of …   多数の~、数十の~
fatal    決定的な、致命的な
mandatory program   強制的な課程、必須のカリキュラム
decent English   きちんとした英語
notice   気づく
teach what is already written in books  すでに本に書いてあることを教える
science major  理系専攻の学生
be engaged in cutting-edge research    最先端の研究に携わる
the latest things … that have not yet made it into a book   まだ本になっていない~最新の事柄
come up with a good idea   いいアイデアを考えつく
a student’s success also reflects well on the professor who taught him
or her.   教え子が  成功すれば教授の名誉にもなる(教え子の成功はその学生を教えた教授もよくみせる)。
positive growth cycle  成長の好循環
start venture businesses    ベンチャー企業を起業する
have to be fairly rewarded    正当に報われなければならない
put their own money into ...    ~に自己資金をつぎこむ
the stock is a reward for the “brain work”   株式(の付与)は「頭脳のはたらき」への報酬である
the value of such efforts is rarely acknowledged   そうした努力の価値はめったに認められることがない


outshine   より優秀である、より光彩を放つ
Brothers Jim and Bob had a very competitive relationship while growing up. Each was trying to get better grades in school and outshine the other one.

spring up   生える、芽を出す
No matter how often I pull weeds in my garden, new ones are constantly springing up.

What do you make of ... ? ( = "What do you think of ... ?" , "What is your understanding of ... ?" )  あなたは~をどう思うか? /  ~をどう受け止めたか?
Mr. Jackson made some very confusing statements in his TV interview. What did you make of his comments?

nowhere near ...   ~に決して近くない、 ~に大きな隔たり
So far, Company A has sold 1200 units and is nowhere near its sales goal of 10,000 by the end of the year.

scores of ...  数十の~、多数の~
If you'd like to buy a new smartphone, there are now scores of models to choose from.

It / There is no use (in) doing ...   ~をしても無駄だ / ~してもなんにもならない
"There is no use crying over spilt milk (/spilled milk)."  覆水盆に返らず

There's no use going to a supermarket now. It's 10 p.m. and they're all closed.

come up with ...   ~を思いつく
Company B has rejected Mr. Stanley's ad copy proposal for their new coffee
product and have asked him to come up with something better. His phrase "For Bitter Human Life" was not what they were hoping for.


