
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


10月22日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』の記事(P.27)
Plenty of potholes on road to investment-led recovery

― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――
pothole  道の深い穴、道路のくぼみ、路面の穴ボコ
draw up a plan 計画を策定する、計画を立案する
industrial investment-oriented nation 産業投資主導の国、「産業投資立国」
public works 公共事業
repatriate 本国へ送還する、本国へ送る
foreign direct investment 海外直接投資
in turn   今度は、同様に
invigorate 活気づける
take a relaxed view 余裕のある見方をする
hollowing out 空洞化
under way 進行中の
have a lot of scope to ... ~するのにたくさんの余地がある、まだまだ~できる
maximize 最大化する
gross national income   国民総所得(GNI)
gross domestic product   国内総生産(GDP)
investment in securities 証券投資
pay off  効果を生む、うまくいく、成果をあげる
generate profit   利益を生む
anti-Japan demonstration  反日デモ
intellectual property   知的財産
flawed  欠陥がある、不備がある、損なわれている
impede  妨げる、遅らせる
exempt A from ...  Aを~から免除する
taxation  課税、徴税
dividend  配当金、分け前
overseas subsidiary   海外子会社
breakthrough  突破口、(難問の)解決
tax levy  課税、徴税
scramble  奪い合う、がむしゃらにする
lure   引きつける、誘惑する



pothole 路面のくぼみ
If you're planning to drive to Wonder Lake this weekend, you'd best avoid
taking Route 16. It's full of potholes.

(the) road to recovery 回復の途[上]
Dave sustained several life-threatening injuries in the accident. However,
his emergency surgery was successful, and he is now on the road to recovery.

be unlikely to (do ... )   ( ... し)そうもない
Unless you learn and practice new words and phrases on a regular basis,
your listening and speaking abilities in a foreign language are unlikely to improve.

be based on ...   ~に基づいている
This movie is based on a true story.

in turn   次には、今度は;交替で
Mr. Tanaka handed me his business card, and I, in turn, handed him mine.

pay off  うまくいく、成果を上げる
Lisa's interviewer at Company A was impressed by her qualifications and
surprised that she knew so much about the company, and so he hired her. The special effort Lisa had made in researching the company before she went in for the interview paid off.


