
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


9月10日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(p.3)
Energy council spells out potential consequences of going nuclear-free


spell out 詳しく説明する、明確に説明する
nuclear-free 脱原発の、非核の
reliance 依存、依拠
nuclear power 原子力発電
utility charges 公共料金、光熱費
skyrocket 急騰する、急上昇する
undermine 損なう、弱体化させる
carbon dioxide emission 二酸化炭素排出量、温暖化ガス排出
call for... ~への要求、~の要請
Energy and Environment Council エネルギー・環境会議
roughly double おおよそ二倍になる
drive up costs コストを上昇させる、価格を跳ね上げる
renewable energy 再生可能エネルギー
make up for...   ~を補う、埋め合わせる
mothballed reactor 一時停止された原子炉、廃炉
coal 石炭
liquefied natural gas 液化天然ガス
point of contention 論点、争点
plutonium プルトニウム
nuclear weapon 核兵器
nuclear fuel cycle 核燃料サイクル
vouch 保証する、請け合う
Japan-U.S. nuclear cooperation agreement 日米原子力協力協定
stockpile 備蓄、貯蔵
become an issue 問題になる、課題となる
greenhouse gas emission 温室効果ガス、温暖化ガス排出
pledge 誓約する
remove from the equation その計算から除く、その計算から引く
shed 取り除く、削減する


go nuclear-free    脱原発にする、原発ゼロにする
go (-free)    (~なしに)する
I'm thinking of going alcohol-free all next month. Would you care to join me?
 cf. on the wagon

send ... skyrocketing    ~を急騰させる、~を急上昇させる
The discovery of gold has attracted thousands of prospectors to the area
and sent prices of local commodities skyrocketing.

according to ...   ~によると、~によれば
It's going to rain tomorrow, according to the latest forecast.

roughly ( = approximately )   おおよそ(=だいたい)
It is often said that roughly half of all new marriages in the United States end in divorce.

as much as ...  <数詞を伴って>~と同じくらい多くの数量、~ほども

as little as ...    ~と同じくらいわずかな数量
as many as ...     ~と同じくらい多くの数、~ほども
as few as ...      ~と同じくらいわずかな数、わずか~ 
Some people say they need as much as 9 hours of sleep each night, while others claim they get by with as little as 3 or 4 hours of sleep.
get by  どうにかやっていく)

Our annual meetings are attended by as many as 800 people.

This region has as few as 2 to 3 rainy days per year.

make up for ...   ~の埋め合わせをする
Hal is better now but will need to put in a lot of overtime to make up for the week that he was ill.

lower (one's) sights   (人の)照準を下げる、目標を下げる
You've often said that you plan to climb the highest mountain on each of the world's continents, but I think you'd better lower your sights. After all, you are turning 90 next week.

