
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


Labor tensions boil over as income gaps widen in emerging countries (P.4)
7月30日発行『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』、「新興国、高まる労務リスク」という記事です

boil over    収拾がつかなくなる、暴動に発展する
emerging country    新興国
riot    暴動、騒動
serve as a reminder of~   ~を思い出させる
labor dispute    労使紛争
thriving     繁栄している
suspend operation    操業を一時停止する
supervisor     監督、管理者、(この場合は「従業員の班長」)
suspend someone from duty     ~を停職処分にする
labor union    労働組合
revoke     取り消す、撤回する
mob    暴徒
virtually    ほぼ、ほとんど、実質的には
walkout     職場放棄、抗議退場、ストライキ(strike)
stage a protest      抗議を行う
reinstatement    復職
labor shortage    労働力不足、人手不足
trigger a dispute    争いを誘発する
prioritize the process    過程を重視する
focus on results    結果に焦点を当てる、成果を重視する


(more) ... than ever   決して~ない、いまだかつてなく~
Company A's new laptop is faster and has more memory than ever before for a personal computer.

vulnerable  負けやすい、(非難など)受けやすい
Many women who live in big cities in Western countries take self-defense classes so that they are less vulnerable if they have to walk somewhere alone at night, for example.

lash out (at ... )  (~を)攻撃する、暴言を吐く
The demonstation started out peacefully but later became violent when a small group of protesters lashed out at police by throwing rocks.

When asked why the candidate didn't win the election, the candidate lashed out at his critics in the media, blaming them for his failure.

virtually  ほとんど、ほぼ、実質的には
The new tax law will affect virtually everyone who files tax returns.

Now that the summer holiday season has started, traffic leaving the city has virtually come to a standstill.

be bound to (+ verb)  きっと~するはずである、 ~する運命にある
Michael's car had some engine trouble near the beginning of the race, so he was bound to lose.

