
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


8月18日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』、社説を取り上げました。
―― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

an annualized rate  年率
in real terms   実質で   cf. in nominal terms  名目で
turmoil  (極度の)混乱
   →financial turmoil (サブプライム問題に端を発する)金融市場の混乱
meteoric  あっという間の、一時の、流星のような cf. meteor 流れ星
the postwar average of 16 months  戦後の(景気後退の)平均である16カ月
picture 状況、事態
a range of seismic changes  幅広い分野での激動、大きい変化の広がり
over the long run 長い目でみれば、結局は
the shrinking and aging of the population  人口減少と高齢化、少子・高齢化
as to …  ~に関して、~について
  →offers some hints as to what needs to be done
make it responsible for …  ~に責任がある、~の原因となっている
  →making it responsible for about half the overall decline in GDP.
individual consumption   個人消費  
  cf. personal consumption, consumer spending
anemic  活力のない、生彩を欠く cf. anemia 貧血(症)
point to  指し示す
cutthroat  熾烈な、激しい、食うか食われるか 
the domestic demand deflator   国内需要デフレーター
shriveling    縮小する、勢いを失う
technology-intensive  技術集約的な cf. labor-intensive 労働集約的な
tax code    税法、税制
start-up  新興企業、ベンチャー企業    cf. emerging company
economic stimulus package  経済刺激策、景気刺激策

8月18日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)社説から『使える英語』を紹介しています。

■ be hit hard  厳しい影響を受ける、大打撃を受ける
■ be triggered by …  ~に引き起こされる 
■ be bound to …  確実に~するであろう、きっと~するはずである
■ make up  構成する、形作る
■ fix  直す、整える
―― 会話 ――

Noriko: Jeff, what are the most common natural disasters where you're from?

Jeff: The big dangers in the Midwest are tornadoes and flooding. As you
know, this summer has seen terrible floods all along the Mississippi, which
were triggered by heavy rains in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

Noriko: Yes, in June, I remember. Where was the most damage, by the way?

Jeff: Cedar Rapids and Iowa City, both in the state of Iowa, were hit hardest. It's sad because after people finish cleaning up and fixing their houses, many are saying that more big floods are bound to happen again soon.

Noriko: The effects of global warming?

Jeff: Probably, yes.

