
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


6月23日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)の社説を取り上げました。
―― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

paddle into ~ ~にこいで入る
joint development 共同開発
East China Sea 東シナ海
claim 主張する、要求する
settle 解決する
generate 引き起こす、招く
acrimony とげとげしさ、しんらつさ
natural gas field 天然ガス田
median line 中間線、中央線
exclusive economic zone 排他的経済水域(EEZ)
underwater 海底の、水中の
straddle またがる
stretch 伸びる、広がる
internet posting インターネットサイトへの投稿(書き込み)
compromise 譲歩、妥協
enhance 強化する、よりよくする
stake 出資額(出資比率)
border issue 領土問題、領海問題
eliminate 取り除く、除去する
shelve 棚上げする、延期する
thorny 困難な、厄介な
Maritime Self-Defense Force 海上自衛隊
destroyer 護衛艦、駆逐艦
naval vessel 艦船
realization 実現、具体化

6月23日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)の社説から『使える英語』を紹介しています。

―― 使える英語 ――

invest in~  ~に投資する
agree on~   ~について合意する、~ということに意見が一致する
there is strong opposition to~  ~については強い反対がある
make a concession to~  ~に譲歩する
leave ~ undetermined  ~を未確定のままにする
back down    後退する、引き下がる
in other words  言い換えれば、つまり
remain unresolved   未解決のままである
be scheduled to~   ~する予定になっている

―― ビジネス会話 ――

Jeff: ... OK, the meeting is scheduled to start at 5:00 tomorrow, right? I'll be there. Bye. (※hangs up)
(わかりました、会議は明日5時に始まる予定ですね? 伺います。失礼します。 ※電話を切る)

Noriko: What was that about?

Jeff: I invested in a friend's company some years ago & we're having a shareholder's meeting tomorrow.

Noriko: Interesting. What kind of company?

Jeff: It's an eco-friendly clothing maker, using all natural materials. Sales
are going well, but our meetings rarely do. Sometimes it seems we can't
agree on anything.


Noriko: Why not?

Jeff: Well, at our last meeting, for example, a motion was put forward to increase our contracted workforce in India. There was strong oppostion to the idea though, and it still remains unresolved.

Noriko: Let me guess. Did it have anything to do with taking away American jobs?

Jeff: Not really, no, because the company contracted the factory work in India from the beginning. In other words, there were no American jobs to be taken away.

Noriko: What was the problem, then?

Jeff: Well, some shareholders think that increasing our workforce in India will mean increasing the possibility of illegal child labor, which is a big
problem there. Of course, we don't want that, but I think if we have our
factory monitored properly, this will not be an issue. Anyway, that's what
I'm going to say at tomorrow's meeting. And this time, I'm not going to
back down!

Noriko: So, good luck. By the way, how is the clothing? Is there a catalog?
(では、うまくいきますように。ところで、その服はどうなの? カタログはある?)

Jeff: I'll bring you one tomorrow.

※架空の設定: NYに初転勤したNoriko と同僚Jeffの会話 

