
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


5月5日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(front)、

―― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

turbulence   大混乱、乱気流
break from ~   ~から決別する、~から脱出する
break from its pursuit of higher interest rates
pursuit   追跡、追求
zero interest rate policy   ゼロ金利政策
ratchet up   徐々に上げる、段階的に上げる
decelerating (decelerate)    減速している(減速する)
sea change     著しい変化、がらりと様変わりすること、変貌
interest rate normalization   金利正常化
The Outlook for Economic Activity and Prices (Outlook Report)      
biannual 年2回の   cf. biennial 2年に1回の、隔年の
potential growth rate 
consumer price index   消費者物価指数(CPI)
fresh foods   生鮮食品
downside risk    下振れリスク
upside   上振れ
virtuous circle  好循環  cf. vicious circle 悪循環
capital investment  設備投資
predetermine    あらかじめ方向づける
normalize  正常化する
flexibly    柔軟に
 →“We will flexibly set monetary policy by closely examining both upside and
downside risks
in the direction of adjusting interest rates 金利調整していく方向で
stem from ~  ~から生じる、~から起こる

5月5日『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』の一面トップ記事から

■ turbulence 大混乱  (「乱気流」が原義)
■ in the wake of ~  ~に伴って、~を受けて、~の跡を追って
■ put on hold ~  中断する、中断状態に置く、一時延期する
■ at the helm  実権を握って、舵を取って、指導的立場にあって
■ downgrade   格下げする、下方修正する
■ pass on higher materials prices to their products   原材料の値上がりを製品に転嫁する
■ lose steam   勢いを失くす

―― ビジネス会話 ――

Noriko: Jeff, didn't you have plans to go back to Wisconsin and visit your parents next week?

Jeff: I did, but I'll have to put those plans on hold. There's just too much to do now with all the turbulence in the market, and especially in the wake of yesterday's meeting.

Noriko: Oh, how did that go?

Jeff: Not very well. Instead of passing on higher prices to our customers, I suggested we should downgrade our profit forecasts for this summer. Not one person agreed with me. In fact, I won't mention names but those at the helm thought we should UPGRADE our forcasts! Can you believe it!?

Noriko: That IS surprising. Maybe they don't see the economy is losing steam.

Jeff: Or they just don't WANT to see it.

Noriko: Right. Well, I hope YOU aren't losing steam. Why not at least take a day off next week?

Jeff: Well, that would be nice but, maybe later.

※架空の設定: NYに初転勤したNoriko と同僚Jeffの会話

