
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English



4月からも『Let's Read THE NIKKEI WEEKLY
おりますが、数日後に復旧する予定です。 (2008.4.4)


3月31日付け『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、

―― キーワード、時事関連英語 ――

ought to do ~すべきだ、~する義務がある
real estate 不動産
land price 地価
respectively それぞれ、各々
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 国土交通省
markedly 著しく、明らかに
ripple effect 波及効果、連鎖反応
U.S. subprime mess 米サブプライムローン問題
business hub 商業中心地、ビジネス拠点
second-tier 二番手の、二流の
prefectural capital 県庁所在地、県庁所在都市
buoy 支える、鼓舞する
repatriate 本国に戻す、国内に回帰する
overseas operation 海外業務、海外事業
office vacancy rate オフィスビルの空室率
swelling 膨らんだ、増大する
inflow of capital 資金の流入
real estate investment fund 不動産ファンド
debacle 崩壊、大失敗
real estate investment trust 不動産投資信託(REIT)
dwindle しぼむ、次第に減少する、衰える
lending standards 融資基準、貸出基準
determinant 決定要因
usability 便利さ、有用性
investment return 投資収益
double-digit 二桁の
disclosure 開示、公表、公開
land transactions 土地取引


3月31日付け『THE NIKKEI WEEKLY』(P.26)、

■ keep a close eye on~    ~を注意深く見守る、~に監視を続ける

ex. When babysitting the kids, make sure you keep a close eye on that one.
He's the troublemaker.

■ upward trend  上昇傾向

ex. The yen's recent upward trend has seemed to slow down.

■ for the (second) straight year    (二)年連続で

ex. Tokyo has been without a major earthquake for the 84th straight year.

ex. The team has won the championship for the 5th straight year.

■ in the second half    後半に、下半期に

ex. With the appearance of more talented musicians in the second half, the concert went over well.

■ have a negative effect on~  ~に悪い影響を与える

ex. Using rude language generally has a negative effect on people.

■ as a whole    全体として、概して、総じて

ex. I like the idea as a whole but feel some parts should be changed.

■ keep a close watch on~  ~をよく見張る、~に目を光らせる

ex. Keep a close watch on the time so that you don't miss your flight.

■ any and all  ありとあらゆる

ex. Any and all questions should be directed to me.

―― ビジネス会話 ――


Jeff: Hello, I'm Jeffery Swiggum―― call me Jeff.
Welcome to the New York branch (支店・支局) !

Noriko: Thanks! I'm Noriko Tada. Please call me Noriko.

Jeff: Is this your first time to work in the States?

Noriko: Yes, but I have been here on holiday a few times before.

Jeff: Great. And how long have you been working for the company?

Noriko: 5 years. Last year was my 3rd straight year in Tokyo, and before that 2 years in Fukui.

Jeff: Wow. I'm just starting this year. Oh by the way, there's the boss, Mr. Clark.
You have to be careful when he's around. He keeps a close eye on everyone!

※架空の設定: NYに初転勤したNoriko と同僚Jeffの会話 

