
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


英検 Presents Let's Read the Nikkei in English
記事は「Nikkei Asian Review  ( http://asia.nikkei.com/ )」(日本経済新聞社)から

Fading Japan (ヘッドライン・ニュース)

Strong won stings South Korean industry (ヘッドライン・ニュース)

注目記事 Beijing-Taipei detente stirs hope for stability with a dash of anxiety         

 < 時事関連英語、キーワード >

detente    緊張緩和、デタント
stir hope for...      ~への希望をかきたてる
a dash of...      少々の、少量の
ministerial-level     閣僚級の
in charge of...      ~を担当する
carry on     続ける
represent a big improvement   大きな改善を意味する
there is a long way to go   道のりは長い、まだまだ先は長い
far from certain    確かとはとても言えない、決して確実ではない
sovereignty    主権
proxy organization   代理機関
ease tensions    緊張を和らげる
potential trigger for conflict   紛争を招きかねないもの
in the runup to    ~への前段階で、~への前触れ
take a turn for the better   よい方向へと向かう
Kuomintang    (台湾の)国民党
float     提案する
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit   

vibes   雰囲気、考え方
reunification    再統一
an overwhelming number of...      圧倒的多数の~
status quo   現状
military and security matters    軍事および安全保障に関わる事項
step up pressure on...      ~への圧力を強める
on other fronts      ほかの方に、ほかの面に
should not be overlooked   見過ごされるべきではない
assertiveness    自己主張



2012年度 第2回英検準1級1次試験 筆記試験から

The fortune teller claimed he had (   ) powers that allowed him to see the future. His predictions, however, were so vague that it was difficult to say whether they were accurate or not.
1. supernatural  2. identical  3. fictional  4. mortal


1. Tribal people living in this remote region have many supernatural beliefs, such as the belief that dancing all night will bring rain.

2. Larry took my briefcase home with him after the meeting as his is identical to mine.

3. The characters in this story are entirely fictional.  They are therefore unrelated to any persons, living or otherwise, known by the author.

4. Though some of the wounds suffered by victims in the accident were serious, none of them, fortunately, were mortal.



The fortune teller claimed he had (   ) powers that allowed him to see the future. His predictions, however, were so vague that it was difficult to say whether they were accurate or not.
1. supernatural  2. identical  3. fictional  4. mortal

解答  supernatural

   supernatural 超自然の、神わざの、霊的な 
   identical 同一の、全く同じ
  fictional 架空の  
   mortal 死を免れない、死すべき

<You the Listenerで紹介した略字とその意味>

C U → See you
btw → by the way
LOL → laugh out loud
re: → regarding
rsvp → 「お返事お願いします」の意味

Jeff の挨拶 
If you start listening to our program regularly, your English will take a turn for the better!


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放送/毎週木曜 22:30-23:00 再放送/毎週土曜 17:30-18:00 


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