
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


英検 Presents 実践!グローバル・コミュニケーション
Let's Read the Nikkei in English
記事は「Nikkei Asian Review  ( http://asia.nikkei.com/ )」

●< 英検準1級で制す! 今週のニュース >

★Australian students get 'immersed' in Asian languages  ( http://asia.nikkei.com/magazine/20140911-The-long-shadow/Life-Arts/Australian-students-get-immersed-in-Asian-languages )

★Security risks spreading as extremists regain power, take to Internet ( http://asia.nikkei.com/magazine/20140911-The-long-shadow/Cover-Story/Security-risks-spreading-as-extremists-regain-power-take-to-Internet )

★GPIF's foreign asset purchases expected to help push yen lower ◎注目記事 ( http://asia.nikkei.com/magazine/20140911-The-long-shadow/Markets/GPIF-s-foreign-asset-purchases-expected-to-help-push-yen-lower )

●< 注目記事の時事英語・キーワードなど >

GPIF (Government Pension Investment Fund)     
foreign asset purchase    外債買い
long-term depreciation of the yen    長期的な円安
play a key role    重要な役割を担う
institutional investor    機関投資家
interest rate hike   金利上昇
begin to be factored into the market   市場に織り込まれ始める
widening gap between Japanese and U.S.interest rates   
geopolitical risks    地政学リスク
undermine optimism about the global economy    
add selling pressure    (円)売り圧力を高める
relatively low-risk Japanese currency     相対的に低リスクの日本円
assets denominated in foreign currencies     外貨建て資産
with those factors in mind     こうした要因を念頭において
mounting yen-selling incentives      円売りの動機が高まること
allocation    配分、割当て
domestic bond    国内債
portfolio strategy     ポートフォリオ戦略
respectively    それぞれ
speculation    (不確かな)推測
trust bank    信託銀行
foreign securities   外国証券
purchases exceeding sales    買い越し
mutual aid funds    共済年金
corporate pension funds     企業年金
follow suit     追随する、まねをする
rock the market     市場をかき回す、市場を混乱させる
massive amounts of money   巨額の資金

●< 準1級の英語 (注目記事から) >

foreign asset purchase   外債買い
undermine optimism about the global economy   
mounting yen-selling incentives   円売りの動機が高まること
respectively   それぞれ
purchases exceeding sales   買い越し
mutual aid funds  共済年金
massive amounts of money  巨額の資金

●< 英検3級のやさしい英語で国際人 >

今週のテーマ「refusing an invitation」 

Jeff  : Can you and your sister go to the Hamptons with us this weekend?
Nanae : We'd love to, but we have tickets to see Evita.
Jeff  : Oh, I see. Well, maybe another time then.
Nanae : That would be very nice. Thanks for thinking of us.
Jeff  : Well, enjoy Evita.

→ twitterアカウントは「@radionikkei_jp」 「#英語で国際人」


●< 英検4級で話せる! 2020年の英会話 >


Jeff: Nanae, do you know where the city office is?
Nanae: Sure. It's right across from the police station.
Jeff: Jeff: Umm, I don't know where the police station is, either.
Nanae: Go down this street and turn left at the supermarket.
The city office is on your right.

→ twitterアカウントは「@radionikkei_jp」    

