
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


THE NIKKEI WEEKLY (August 5  / P.27)
Multitrack diplomacy must be done


multitrack diplomacy  多元的な外交、複線外交
mock  嘲笑する、ばかにする
impediment  障害、支障
ameliorate  改善する
bar  除外する、含めない
unforeseen event  予想外の出来事
snap election  早期の選挙、解散総選挙
mend fences with...       ~との関係を修復する、~と仲直りする
immensely   とても、非常に
spark a clash   衝突を引き起こす
the East China Sea   東シナ海
sound out   打診する、腹を探る
rebuff    はねつける、拒絶する
territorial issue   領土問題
at first glance    一見したところでは
uncompromising    妥協しない、強硬な
outlying region    地方、辺境地
mitigate   軽減する、和らげる
hold one's ground   一歩も引かない、立場を守る
boulder    大きな石、巨岩
make an overture for...     ~を呼びかける、~を申し入れる
by virtue of...        ~のおかげで、~の理由で
historical snag    歴史問題、歴史的障害
impede relations with...     ~との関係を妨げる
alternative  他の選択肢、代案、取り得る道
namely    すなわち
historical discord   歴史問題での不一致、歴史に関する争い
fray   すり減る、ほころぶ
right to collective self-defense   集団的自衛権
grievance   不満、憤り


■  provide a good opportunity for ...   ~によい機会を提供する
Next week's all-company party will provide a good opportunity for everyone to meet new company recruits and all other employees they do not normally see at work.

■  tend to ...   ~の世話をする、~に至る
I'd love to join you for dinner this evening but unfortunately, I have a problem at home that needs tending to.  My air conditioner has broken down and a repairman is coming around at 7:00 to look at it.

■  mend fences  関係を修復する、~と仲直りする   
Harry and Bill have had a big argument and are not speaking to each other.  However, after they have cooled down a bit, I'm sure that they'll start talking again and mend fences.

■  hold (one's) ground   自分の立場を守る、一歩も引かない 
In the early 1950's, Roy Disney advised his brother Walt that they not build a new, very large theme park in California.  Walt, however, insisting that it would be successful, disagreed and held his ground.

■  keep the door open to ...  ~への扉を開けておく、~を可能にしておく  
Cynthia has been offered a job with Company A but has decided not to accept it.  For now, she would like to keep the door open to potential offers from other companies.

■  no matter the ...   たとえその~が~でも、~に関係なく
These shoes can be worn no matter the occasion.  They go with formal attire, or can be worn casually.

■  rock-solid  岩のように固い、安定した、磐石な
The two seem very happy together and have just celebrated their 60-year wedding anniversary.  I would say they have a rock-solid marriage.

Our program provides a good opportunity to increase your English vocabulary, no matter your level of ability, so...

