
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


THE NIKKEI WEEKLY (August 19 / P.4)
Shared responsibility to remenber war horrors


mourn   追悼する、(死者を)悼む
perish    死ぬ、亡くなる
devastation   徹底的な破壊、荒廃
horrendous war   恐ろしい戦争
hand down    (後世に)伝える
top    ~を上回る
misjudge     誤った判断をする、判断を間違える
plunge oneself into...       ~に突入する
reckless    無謀な
casualties   犠牲者
air raid    空襲
ground battle    地上戦
atomic bombing    原爆投下
unconditional surrender   無条件降伏
the Potsdam Declaration   ポツダム宣言
designate    指定する
cultural asset   文化遺産、文化財
be tempted to...    ~したくなる
war-related exhibits  戦争関連の展示
multifaceted   多面的な、多面を持つ
sway   惑わす、左右に揺れる
raw emotion   生なましい感情
know-it-all   知ったかぶりの、人の意見を聞こうともしない
venue   会場、開催地、現場



mark the ... anniversary   ~周年を記録する
July 10 this year marked the 100th anniversary of the highest temperature ever recorded at 56.7°C in Death Valley, California.

■  hand down    伝える
This is my great-great grandmother's apple pie.  Her recipe has been handed down from generation to generation.

Japanese fireworks makers, considered among the best in the world, employ advanced pyrotechnical skills, many of them handed down in family businesses since the Edo Period.

■  ... alone   ~のみ、~だけで
The movie is a giant hit.  Box office sales in the first 2 weeks alone have already made it the most popular film this year.

■  time of year  1年のうちの時期 
If you don't like snow or the cold, then summer is the best time of year to visit Scandinavia.

■  sway ...  (be swayed by ... )   ~を左右する (~によって左右される)
As Candidate A has been involved in various scandals, voters are skeptical and will not be swayed by his promises, no matter how good they sound.

jeff のコメント
Every time of year is the best time of year to study English so...

