
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


THE NIKKEI WEEKLY (Sept. 18 / P.5)
In China, it's still not business as usual
中国ビジネス 回復途上、尖閣国有化1年


stagnant   停滞している、活気がない
nationalization of the Senkaku Islands   尖閣諸島の国有化
a case in point    適例、代表例、典型
bilateral trade     二国間貿易
promising signal    明るい兆候、有望な兆し
double-decker bus    二階建てバス
emblazon     (紋章、ロゴなどで)飾る
dealership    販売店、特約販売店、販売代理店
affiliated with...      ~系列の、~と提携した
have it rough      楽でない、厳しい生活をしいられる
rebuild its sales volume     販売数を取り戻す
locality     地方、地域、現場
run deep    根深い、根強い
Communist Party of China    中国共産党
power grid infrastructure   電力網インフラ、送電設備
state-run firm      国有企業
bid for...       ~に入札する
compensation    補償、賠償(金)
thorny issue    頭の痛い問題、厄介な問題
holdup    休止、停滞、遅滞


business as usual     平常通りの業務、通常通りの営業
Though most shops closed early due to the approaching typhoon, it was business as usual at the shop where I work. We were open until our regular closing time.

be far from ...     少しも ~でない、 ~にはほど遠い
The history test will be very difficult and Steve has not only missed half of the class's lectures, he has done almost none of the required reading. He is far from prepared.

Case in point: ...     適例:~ 好例:~
Some say that when a company gets to a certain size, it becomes "too big to fail". But sometimes governments refuse to act even though failure can threaten the entire economy. Case in point: Lehman Brothers.

not just any ...    どれでも~ でない、ただの~でない
Furniture Company A's new desk is not just any desk. At the touch of a button, it automatically converts into a bed.

have trouble doing ...    ~することに苦労する

I had trouble finding your office. The map on your website is not very good.

I had no trouble finding your office. The map on your website is very clear.

have it rough     楽でない、耐える
(反対語: have it easy       反対語:楽である)

Grandpa says that when he was a child, he had it rough. He had to get up at 4:30 to help with morning chores, then walk 5 kilometers to school everyday. Naturally, he thinks that kids today have it too easy.

be on hand     出席している、居合わせている、利用できる
We hope you will be able to attend the upcoming job fair next month. Representatives from 100 different companies will be on hand to answer all your questions.


Are you having trouble finding a good way to increase your business English vocabulary? Well, please listen to our program. It's not just any program! And...

