
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


英検 Presents Let's Read the Nikkei in English

記事は「The Nikkei Asian Review  ( http://asia.nikkei.com/ )」(日本経済新聞社)から

Is Australia's Abbott dancing with Asia or stepping on toes?


step on someone's toes      踏みつける、怒らせる、領域を侵害する
sweeping victory      圧勝
pledge     公約
vow to...     ~することを誓う
blunder    失態、大失敗
fallout    予期しない影響、副産物、付随的結果
fissure    亀裂、分裂
disclosure    暴露、開示、発覚
eavesdrop     盗聴する
inner circle      側近
be plagued by...       ~に悩まされる
asylum seeker   亡命希望者(「アサイラム・シーカー」)
archipelago  群島、列島
launchpad  出発点
mishap    不運な出来事、災難
rickety refugee boats    壊れそうな難民船
capsize     転覆する
become a key issue   重要な問題になる
spying allegation    スパイ容疑
free trade agreement   自由貿易協定(FTA)
a slap in the face    侮辱、失望
get a deal    取引を成立させる
a litany of...      いやになるほどたくさんの~、しつこく繰り返される~
a ringing endorsement of...      ~に対する熱狂的支持
swing  周遊旅行
terse response    簡潔な答え、短い返答、よそよそしい返事
undertaking    事業
endorse a review   見直しを支持する、見直しを是認する
admonish    注意を促す




■  step on (one's) toes   (ひとの)つま先を踏みつける、(ひとの)感情を害する(権利を侵す)
When Jack finds out you've made changes in his report, then submitted it to the boss without consulting him, he'll be upset.  If I were you, I wouldn't step on his toes like that.

■  have the right idea   適切な考えがある、申し分ない意見を持つ
I don't think the product you've come up with is quite ready yet, but your proposing to "use it to create new demand" means you have the right idea.  Keep working on it.

■  business as usual   通常営業、いつものように営業
The extreme weather caused most stores and companies to close for the day, but at the boutique where I work, it was business as usual.  We were open all day.

■  be plagued by...   (~に)苦しむ
  be plagued with ...     (~で)閉口する
Pharmaceutical Company A's having to recall one of its products nationwide last month was bad enough.  Now, however, it is plagued with a series of lawsuits by people who claim to have become ill after using the product.


番組でご紹介する記事は、「Nikkei Asian Review」(日本経済新聞社発行)に掲載されています。

China tries to take some air out of its potential real estate bubble (ヘッドライン・ニュース)

Cashing in on Abenomics, foreigners welcome (ヘッドライン・ニュース) 

Jeff のコメント
If you listen to our program to improve your English, you certainly have the right idea, so...

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