
実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English


実践!Let's Read the Nikkei in English
「Nikkei Asia」と水曜の日経夕刊「Step up English」

解説/ 奥村茂三郎 編集長

●< Nikkei Asia - Headlines >

Asia forms world's largest trading bloc RCEP after years of talks
Japan GDP surges annualized 21.4% but growth outlook remains weak

●< Nikkei Asia 今週のニュース >

Japan mobile carriers' big profits ramp up pressure to cut rates
携帯3社、営業益1.7兆円 4~9月(11月5日 日経朝刊1面)
携帯3社、営業益1.7兆円(11月18日 日経夕刊2ページ)

ramp up   ~を増やす、増強する
→ Company Y sees increasing demand for its new product next year, and so has plans to ramp up production as soon as possible.  

rake in (rake it in)   金をもうける(荒稼ぎをする)
→ Matt had trouble making ends meet at his previous job, but with his current work as a sales rep, he's really raking it in.
mobile carrier  携帯電話会社
public company  上場企業
operating profit  営業利益
the first fiscal half ended September   4~9月期、(9月までの)上半期
listed company  上場企業
consolidated operating profit   連結営業利益
affiliate   系列企業
telecommuting   在宅勤務
online retailing  インターネット通販
net profit   純利益
operating margin  営業利益率
wireless company   携帯電話会社
converge   収束する、落ち着く

